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  • Rolesia.com

    Virtual Macroeconomic Simulation Portal

    Simulation excellence for consumers, corporations and governmental institutions read more


  New! Version 2.4 with USA Update is here!
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The Author

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Anthony Atherton
Founder Rolesia.com

Dear customers,

I am proud to present you with the result of many years of research on the topic of macroeconomics. Please enjoy the latest version of this software! Over a year and a half of work has been put into it to make it a better product, make it compatible with different devices, enhanced algorithms based on 137 variables, improved graph technology, various products including our new multi-tenant version (including coaching and multi user competitive use-cases) for corporate, consultancies or government institutions, but most important of all, the upgrade was focused on including all types of customers - from strategists to consultants to governmental institutions to students fascinated with the complexity behind macroeconomics.

A premium professional version is now available to enhance the quality of the simulation. The free version is available with most of the features for all those who are curious and interested on the topic of macroeconomics.

In order to keep improving the quality and quantity of the content of this software I would really appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism! Please write to us here: Feedback

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