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Rolesia.com Academia

Rolesia.com Academia

Universities & Students

Academic version for secondary and terciary education.
Version for universities and students world-wide.

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Academia Licenses

Version for universities and students world-wide - Academic version for secondary and terciary education.

Academia is an addition to our product portfolio to meet the strong demand for macroeconomic education for universities, schools, colleges all around the world. Economics is pivotal for students knowledge and this solution provides applied academic theory to facilitate the learning of this topic by students.

Students can apply their developed skills and better understand macroeconomic indicators and policy instruments and gain insights of how these are deployed by governments and central banks. Students have the challenging role of running an economy. Students themselves are both managed and their progress monitored by their coaches, who coordinate their entire classes. Students will soon develop an understanding of the trade-off central banks and governments have to facde when attmepting to stabilize prices and achieve economic growth when they apply their fiscal and monetary policies.

After each session the coach debriefs with each class and interacts with the students to reflect on their policy making experiences and behaviour and results. This applied knowledge is seen to be key for students to learn both the theory and its implications in the real economy.

The Coach features:

  • Coach Area to manange student classes, student tethering, performance, grades
  • The Coach allocates macroeconomic scenarios to classes
  • FREE access for the Coach

  • The Student features:

  • Students access the class interaction area with other students
  • Students access to the self-simulation area to apply knowledge and simulate it
  • The Coach allocates macroeconomic scenarios to classes and students connect to the activated modules
  • Students manage their data, tether to activated classes, check their performance, grades, ranking
  • And much more...
  • Students can obtain 6 or 12 month licenses and over 50% discount when invited

  • Product Description

    Rolesia.com Academia is a license-based version of the software. To cover our operational, development & licensing costs we charge a subscription fee. This version covers all features of the software (subject to choice by the coach):
    + Macroeconomic simulation with over 130 variables
    + Central Bank Monetary Policies (e.g. Price Stabilization)
    + Governmental Fiscal Policies (e.g. GDP Growth, Job creation, ...)
    + Market Area with stockmarket, rating agencies, debt market, ...
    + Budget Area to monitor your expenditure and revenues
    + World Markets & Currencies
    + Commodities
    + Central Bank & Reserves
    + Demographics
    + Analysts keeping an eye on you
    + The population that poll you yearly and vote for you every 4 years
    + Three simulations a year to correct policies
    + New exciting algorithms and variables: Quanititive Easing, GINI Coefficient, Agency Ratings, and many more.
    + And much more!


    + Multi-Device Frontend (PC, Tablets, Smartphones Beta)
    + HTML5 Smart Graphs (including multi graph benchmarks)
    + Multi-Graph Simulation (e.g. compare GDP and Inflation over 10 years)

    + Further Premium features:

    + De-/Activation EU Option (Maastricht Criteria)
    + Advanced/Basic Viewing
    + De-/Activation Quantitative Easing
    + De-/Activation Randomized variables
    + De-/Activation Automated Interest Rates
    + Activation Central Bank/Budget Transfers
    + Trading Platform (to purchase currencies & commodities)

    More advantages for Academia customers:
    + No advertisements
    + 24/7 e-mail support


    All major credit cards acccepted via PayPal + Money Back Guarantee!

    Academia Prices
    Student 6 Months
    Student 12 Months
    Coach 12 Months
    9,99 €*
    (29,99 w/o voucher)
    14,99 €**
    (39,99 w/o voucher)
    FREE or 0 €
    * 9,99 with couch voucher
    ** 14,99 with couch voucher
    The coach is requested to invite students

    Academia Licenses

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